Well there is an interesting web service which can do this job really in a nice and neat manner its called http://urlxray.com/ well this is an online service which simply grabs your short URL and expand it and show you the original stuff behind it.
The best thing about this service is that they also provide a Bookmark which when installed you can unmask any URL or any webpage without visiting their original source website. So the way to do that is really easy just drag this bookmark to your bookmarks bar, and now when ever you visit any webpage that contains that short url just select that and than click on this Bookmark you saved, so it’s a JavaScript than a small black window will pop up showing you this short url and the expanded version like below.
So now you can see how to select that URL and click that bookmark and that’s it that black window is showing me that expanded - unmasked big, long and bulky URL. So now just unmask your short URLs directly or using the Bookmark provided above.
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