Usually you browse the internet and come across many files which having different extensions like .exe, .mp3, .wav etc, so some extensions are familiar to you and you know which program can open that file and which not but some are really different and unfamiliar which means you have not used that file and you are not aware of their extension. Well what you can do in that stage is to Google about that extension or you can use an online service called
WolphramAlpha, which you can solve your extension problem really easily.
Now its really easy to use as you only have to visit their website and then enter the extension with the dot into their search bar and you will have a nice detail with programs to open that file.
So as you can see in the above image, it has been entered with the .torrent extension and after making search for it you'll got all the details and suitable programs to open .torrent files. So now increase your extension knowledge and grab your abnormal extension programs to open them up.
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