If you enjoy using your computer than you have to be aware about some modern tactics for getting your pc down and injecting some viruses and malwares and making its actions stubborn. Well there are always some ways you should adopt to make your pc virus free and enjoy and safe browsing and gaming environment. Well below are the 12 tips that you should follow to maintain your pc from viruses. Spam Emails : emails are the most common means of communications between any big firm or any small business. Quotations, agreements and other business letters are usually delivered using emails, but this side by side gives birth to spam emails, fraud winning tickets and much more that contains viruses and malwares that usually get injected into your pc and makes annoying problems, so make sure to check email only from your inbox and not from the spam junk. USB Pen Drives : the second major way of virus spreading is the USB thumb drives, that take viruses from one computer and spread ...
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