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Showing posts from August, 2012

12 Secure Tips to Maintain a Safe Virus Free Computer

If you enjoy using your computer than you have to be aware about some modern tactics for getting your pc down and injecting some viruses and malwares and making its actions stubborn. Well there are always some ways you should adopt to make your pc virus free and enjoy and safe browsing and gaming environment. Well below are the 12 tips that you should follow to maintain your pc from viruses. Spam Emails  : emails are the most common means of communications between any big firm or any small business. Quotations, agreements and other business letters are usually delivered using emails, but this side by side gives birth to spam emails, fraud winning tickets and much more that contains viruses and malwares that usually get injected into your pc and makes annoying problems, so make sure to check email only from your inbox and not from the spam junk. USB Pen Drives  : the second major way of virus spreading is the USB thumb drives, that take viruses from one computer and spread them in a Provides Easy Login Credentials for any Website

Many bigger websites usually with lots of traffic try to add a security wall in form of login credentials to bypass their firewall and watch their content. Well you usually have a simple option called "BugMeOut" that’s works pretty well and is bit popular but there is another website called "" that does a pretty similar job but works good. provides easy option to enter your websites URL for which you want to gain access in, obviously you are not going to get every login working but still you can click on"Not Working, Show More" to get more working credentials. Mostly every website is compatible with it and if you find any website that’s not containing any credential you can also add credentials from your own so that other people can be benefitted by it.

How to Create Easy Alert Pop-Up Box in Blogger

Alert Pop-Up Box can be used to give a urgent message to all your fellow readers seeking an eye on your blog everyday, you can give them a greeting message or tell them some important news or anything. So we found an easy to applied small script for creating a simple Po-Up box for blogger. So how it exactly looks, well something like below image. So now as you can see I have just given a small message "Wats Up Guys ! Welcome to" so you can replace this message with yours and when ever a person opens any post or homepage this message will popup. Follow below steps to add the code to your personal blog and show this message to all your visitors. 1. Go to Blogger.come and Sign In to your Account. 2. Now choose your blog and Navigate to Template > Edit HTML. 3. Now you can place the below code anywhere but if you wanna render this alert box faster than paste it right above the </head> tag or if you want it to load after the blog has been loaded t

20 Steps and Tips to Higher Gmail Security

Gmail is the main base or the main workstation for any newbie or oldies. This is used by billions of people all over the world for the best email service and to protect it is the main reason for anyone to have a look @ this post. Below I just grabbed 20 steps to higher Gmail Security, you might wanna check because Hackers next target can be you can to protect yourself is the main aim of your life. So just all the steps officially by Gmail for protecting your account. This steps will give you the unbelievable security hence boost your Gmail Experience. Check below 20 steps to higher Gmail Security .: 1. Check for Viruses and malwares : Well you would be having some good virus scanner but you cannot catch 100% infections with any scanner so to experiment and scan with different and online scanner is a good choice. 2. Operating system should be Up to Date : Updating to official updates may increase your windows security and remove all the holes in it as they release patches to fix vulne

5 Most Popular Online Logo Maker and Logo Generator Tools

Do you have a business, blog or anything online or offline than you might have always thought to create an attractive logo for your company so that people can have a nice recognizing power when it comes dealing with you. Well if we talk about the offline purpose there are many logo creator tools which comes in huge sizes though they offer a huge set of tools but still they need some knowledge to be operated so for that purpose we have online tools or website offering logo creation and manipulation services. Below are the 5 online popular and best logo creating website which any one can use and give a shining branding to his or her business. These sites contains some preloaded logos which you can use for free and give a title to them to complete the whole set. You can add colors gradients and much more so jump into the websites and start exploring. #1. LogoGarden allows you to create free logo + website with its massive preloaded logos database, you can manipulate

Open Source Search Engines Every Developer Should Know About.

Search is a crucial feature of any website.  Even if your navigation is crystal clear, it still doesn’t cater for those power users and return visitors that remembered a particular piece of content, or want to find collections of information stored on your site in the same topical areas. Typically search is one of the most poorly implemented pieces of technology on a site, with developers opting for the standard the out of the box solution which comes with most modern content management systems – and in many cases doesn’t do justice to your content. Here we take a look at what other enterprise level and open source search engines out there to find and index the information on your site faster,  and  provide users with a deeper, more relevant resultset. Constellio URL : Constellio is an open source search solution suitable for enterprise level search. It is built on the Apache Solr project, which uses the Lucene project as its main engine and pro