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Showing posts from June, 2014

240 Linux Distros And Their Official Websites

Linux is all about freedom, experiments and versatility. We all know about popular Linux distros like Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Fedora, Redhat etc., but do you know that there are over 400 Linux distros. So if the adventurous geek inside you is still alive, here is a list of 240 active Linux distribution with their official websites for you to try your hands on.   Absolute Linux Official website AbulEdu Official website AgiliaLinux Official website aLinux Official website Alpine Linux Official website ALT Linux Official website Antergos Official website antiX Official website aptosid Official website Arch Linux Official website ArchBang Linux Official website Archie Official website AriOS Official website ArtistX Official website AsteriskNOW Official website Asturix Official website AUSTRUMI Official website AV Linux Official website BackBox Linux Official website Berry Linux Official website BigLinux Official website Bio-Linux Official website blackPanther Offi...