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Showing posts from April, 2014

100 Best and Free Hacking Tools

Hacking tools have been said to make hacking quite easy as compared to the old days. But, there is still more to being a hacker than just that. Yes, these tools have made it simple, but that is nothing unless you have the knowledge about other aspects of hacking as well. Wireless Hacking : These are tools that help you hack into wireless networks. Wireless hacking tools though useful, do not make you a complete hacker. In order to achieve that, you must learn the different ways in which a secure network can be accessed. Also, you should work on making your own network as secure as possible. 1. Aircrack-ng 2. Kismet 3. inSSIDer 4. KisMAC Intrusion Detection Systems : Intrusion detection tools are one of the most important part of any security arrangement. They allow you to detect those threats that are potentially dangerous for your system. 1. Snort 2. NetCop Port Scanners 1. Nmap 2. Superscan 3. Angry IP Scanner Encryption Tools : In an age where more and more governments are be...