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Showing posts from 2014

Run Commands for Windows 8

Run Commands for Windows 8 The RUN option is hidden from Windows 8. Anyway you can open “RUN” window by pressing “ Windows Key + R  “. Here are many of RUN Commands which can be used in Windows 8. But some of them can still be used in Windows XP and 7.  Commands Program Name Run Command About Windows winver Add a Device devicepairingwizard Add Features to Windows 8 windowsanytimeupgradeui Add Hardware Wizard hdwwiz Advanced Startup Options bootim Advanced User Accounts netplwiz Authorization Manager azman Backup and Restore sdclt Bluetooth File Transfer fsquirt Buy a Product Key Online purchasewindowslicense Calculator calc Certificates certmgr certlm Change Computer Performance Settings systempropertiesperformance Change Data Execution Prevention Settings systempropertiesdataexecutionprevention Change Printer Settings printui Character Map charmap ClearType Tuner cttune Color ...

5 Free eBooks Assembling And Creating Your Own PC

Here are 5 free ebooks to help you a ssemble, repair and build PCs. 1.  Build Your Own PC by Morris Rosenthal - McGraw-Hill, 2004 As the introduction of the book says, "This visual how-to manual is loaded with photographs and images to help you see how to assemble from scratch your PC easily. This guide will lead you through making preparations to build your PC, which includes guidance selecting the right parts." 2.  The Secret Guide to Computers by Russ Walter - Russell Walter Pub, 2003 As the introduction of the book says, "The book explains everything important about computers -- simply, candidly, and as wisely as possible, with a cynical laugh. This book was rated 'tops' by the major computer magazines, newspapers, library organizations, schools, and computer clubs." 3.  PC Architecture by Michael Karbo -, 2006 As the introduction of the book says, "This guide is written in easy language and contains a lot of illustrations. The aut...

240 Linux Distros And Their Official Websites

Linux is all about freedom, experiments and versatility. We all know about popular Linux distros like Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Fedora, Redhat etc., but do you know that there are over 400 Linux distros. So if the adventurous geek inside you is still alive, here is a list of 240 active Linux distribution with their official websites for you to try your hands on.   Absolute Linux Official website AbulEdu Official website AgiliaLinux Official website aLinux Official website Alpine Linux Official website ALT Linux Official website Antergos Official website antiX Official website aptosid Official website Arch Linux Official website ArchBang Linux Official website Archie Official website AriOS Official website ArtistX Official website AsteriskNOW Official website Asturix Official website AUSTRUMI Official website AV Linux Official website BackBox Linux Official website Berry Linux Official website BigLinux Official website Bio-Linux Official website blackPanther Offi...