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Showing posts from October, 2012

Free Tools to Stay Informed and Invisible on the Internet

If you value your rapidly disappearing privacy while surfing the Internet you need to know about these tools. Whether you want to protect yourself from snoopers, want to spy on those out to get you, or want to be able to track trends that you know will lead to something big, then these tools will help you get the job done. The best part about them is they are FREE! Without a Trace If you want to use the Internet without anyone knowing who you are or leave an untraceable phone number or email address, then these tools are for you. Big String . Big String offers self-destructing IMs and emails for those who don’t want any evidence of their online communications. Use with many popular IM clients. Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition . This free web browser leaves no personal information on your computer. Not only can you use this anywhere, but no one will know you were there. x Paranoia mod . This Firefox extension is great for those who want to leave nothing behind on the compu