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Showing posts from February, 2012

12 Best Free Online Virus Scanner

Antivirus are not only the desktop apps which will help you to scan your PC. There are several online antivirus scanners which allows you the same.  Online Virus Scanner is a fast and free tool that detects and removes threats on your PC. Utilizing only your browser, it scans your computer then detect defected and remove threats via on demand scan. We all know Operating system, Antivirus and Virus have very strong relation in the PC world. Operating system helps to run your PC.Antivirus protect your operating system from effected file called virus.Virus is a file which is created to harm the operating system. Now sometime thing happens that antivirus which guard our system from effected files failed and slow down the speed of operating system, at that time these Free Online Virus Remover helps to clean those virus. Below are some of the best free online virus scanners you can use. 1. ESET Free Online Virus Scanner One of best Online Virus scanner which detects